A child’s religious and moral development is highly dependent on the environment that he/she is in and on the observation of things happening around him/her. The most versatile ground for implementation and practice of whatever a child learns at Madrasah is no place but home. If a child’s finds him/her self in an environment where the moral principles of Islam are being violated, or the child is discouraged from practising what he/she has learnt, the child becomes confused, and in many cases, will disregard, or view as inferior, the beliefs and tenants of Islam. In this way, without realising the consequences, we become the greatest obstacle in the path of religious and spiritual success of our children. Each and every parent is humbly requested to consider and observe the Rules and Regulations of Madrasah, giving them the due consideration and value, they deserve, so that we are seen to be the protectors of faith by our children and not its adversaries. We hope and pray that you will understand the importance of this issue and work hand in hand with us to create a prosperous modest and religious future of our children.
To treat each individual child as our own.
To provide the best religious spiritual and moral education to each child, within the limited time that we have with them.
These objectives can only be fully accomplished if there is a mutual understanding of responsibility and cooperation between teachers, parents and children alike.
In order to provide our children with good Islamic Education and to give them a strong and firm basis for their Islamic development, some Rules and Guidelines have been formulated. This will greatly assist us to improve the discipline and level of education in the Madrasah
These Rules and Regulations must be read in conjunction with any additional Rules and Regulations/ guidance notes that are/ or maybe issued by the Madrasah.
The timings of the Madrasah will be decided only by the principal. All students will be expected to respect the times set by the Madrasah arrive on time and leave after the designated time. Due to the change in salaah timings, the leaving time will change according to the season
All applicants will have to take an admission test, after which the admission will be processed.
All admissions will be admitted on a three-month trial basis.
The minimum age of admission is when the child has started full time school and when he/she has awareness and understanding of cleanliness and is able to wash himself/herself after visiting the lavatory
Parents will be responsible to clean and pay for any equipment needed to clean the carpet if a child has soiled the carpet
Acceptance and refusal of applications is the right of the Madrasah.
The parent/guardian will be responsible for any damage caused by the student to any property, buildings and premises owned or used by the Madrasah.
Students must observe Islamic dress code and must be neat and tidy at all times.
Parents must make sure that the student has prepared his/her lessons prior to coming to the Madrasah. Students should at least sit for 20 minutes before Madrasah.
In case of complaint or any other matter, consult the Principal, either personally or by telephone on 07936734294 between 4:30pm till 7:30pm.
Any student who does not sit the final year-end examinations without a valid excuse, their name will be taken off the Madrasah register. If the management decides to give a space then they will have to reapply for admission and pay £50 reapplication fee (serious illness may be a valid reason but medical evidence will be required).
Any Student absent for two weeks without informing the Madrasah will be taken off the Madrasah register.
To ensure we have up to date information, it is vital that you inform the Madrasah of changes to address and phone numbers in case. If one fails to do so, the Madrasah will not be responsible for any occurrences in correspondence to emergencies.
Due to inappropriate behaviour or not learning their lessons, students will be asked to sit in detention. The timing will be decided by the Madrasah and it will be necessary for the student to participate. Failure to do so may result in the child’s name being removed from the Madrasah.
Every child’s place in Madrasah will be for a year only. Their behaviour/adherence to the rules will be reviewed and accordingly will be /not be given a place in the next academic year.
Any parent causing any type of discord or rebels in any way or form against the Madrasah or its staff will result in their child’s name taken off the Madrasah register
A child must be closely examined at home to see whther purity of body and clothing is maintained, especially after going to the toilet
All children must be made aware of the importance of cleanliness and making Wudhu before touching the Quran
The Madrasah requires all students to observe its dress code.
1) Madrasah uniform for girls:
Scarves/Abayas, should be black, opaque and of sufficient length.
Traditional Indian/Pakistani clothes are to be worn under Abayas.
Jeans, tracksuit and jogging bottoms are not to be worn.
No makeup of any sort is allowed as well as jewellery.
2) Madrasah uniform for boys:
Islamic Hat.
Jubbah/kurta should be of sufficient length-below the knees and above the ankles.
The lower garment (Izaar) should be of such fitting that it is above the ankles and not folded.
Jeans, tracksuit and jogging bottoms are not to be worn.
clothing with big branded writing/logo/pictures are not to be worn.
Any clothing which has pictures of animate objects be it on a T shirt, Socks, Coats etc are not permitted
The hair of both boys and girls must confirm to the Teachings of Islam. The hair for boys must be cut in total compliance with Islam, which is that it be level from all sides. Sporting a haircut where the hair at the back and sides are shorter than the top is not permitted. Any child/Parent who fails to comply with any of the Rules and Regulations outlined above will be cautioned and, if necessary, the Madrasah has the full right to expel such a child.
The Madrasah has policies in places to improve and maintain the standard. For the best interest of the Madrasah, teachers/students and parents, it is imperative that we all fully support the Madrasah with all its policies and rules.
All children must arrive by 4.50pm or any other agreed time, after which the doors will be closed (unless prior permission has been obtained).
Students will be expected to respect the times of Madrasah, attend on time and leave only after the time has expired. No excuse will be valid for coming late or staying absent except where permission is sought by telephone or letter prior to the incident.
Early leave for any other reason besides illness will not be acceptable to attain attendance. A child wishing to leave Madrasah before the time has expired must bring a letter from parent/guardian stating reasons and must be collected from Madrasah by a parent/guardian, or else leave will not be granted.
Parents are expected to schedule holidays in such a manner that students do not miss class.
Parents wishing to take children on holiday must book during the holidays stipulated on the holiday letter. If, due to unavoidable circumstances, the child requires authorised leave, permission must be taken at least two weeks beforehand. Failure to do this may result in your child being removed from the Madrasah. Similarly, a child wishing a lengthy leave of absence from Madrasah will be given a maximum of two weeks only, unless the principal decides otherwise.
Attendance and punctuality are of utmost importance as absences and late arrivals seriously retard the pupil’s progress as lessons cannot be repeated for one child due to limited time. Poor attendance and punctuality could result in the child being removed from the Madrasah register
The minimum attendance during a year is 97%. Once a child’s attendance goes below 97%, the Madrasah has full right to take the child’s name off the Madrasah register
Children will not be allowed to attend any ceremonies/functions or programmes during Madrasah hours
The Madrasah will not accept a child staying absent or arriving late due to a school trip or any other activity. Failure to comply with this will result in the child being marked absent/late or your child being removed from the Madrasah. Please advise others and the school authorities of your child’s Madrasah commitments
Parents are encouraged to communicate with the Principal or Teachers in matters concerning their children
Any homework given should be completed.
Bullying is absolutely prohibited and any child found guilty will immediately be suspended or expelled
Any un-Islamic or undesirable material found in the possession of any student will be confiscated such as toys, cards etc
No mobile phones will be allowed during Madrasah hours.
Any improper conduct, threatening behaviour or abuse in any form including verbal or written by parents or students towards the teachers or any of the Madrasah Staff could result in the child being dismissed from the Madrasah
Any parent causing any type of discord or rebels in any way or form against the Madrasah or its staff will result in their child’s name taken off the Madrasah register
A child must be closely examined at home to see whther purity of body and clothing is maintained, especially after going to the toilet
All children must be made aware of the importance of cleanliness and making Wudhu before touching the Quran
The Madrasah requires all students to observe its dress code.
1) Madrasah uniform for girls:
Scarves/Abayas, should be black, opaque and of sufficient length.
Traditional Indian/Pakistani clothes are to be worn under Abayas.
Jeans, tracksuit and jogging bottoms are not to be worn.
No makeup of any sort is allowed as well as jewellery.
2) Madrasah uniform for boys:
Islamic Hat.
Jubbah/kurta should be of sufficient length-below the knees and above the ankles.
The lower garment (Izaar) should be of such fitting that it is above the ankles and not folded.
Jeans, tracksuit and jogging bottoms are not to be worn.
clothing with big branded writing/logo/pictures are not to be worn.
Any clothing which has pictures of animate objects be it on a T shirt, Socks, Coats etc are not permitted
The hair of both boys and girls must confirm to the Teachings of Islam. The hair for boys must be cut in total compliance with Islam, which is that it be level from all sides. Sporting a haircut where the hair at the back and sides are shorter than the top is not permitted. Any child/Parent who fails to comply with any of the Rules and Regulations outlined above will be cautioned and, if necessary, the Madrasah has the full right to expel such a child.
The Madrasah has policies in places to improve and maintain the standard. For the best interest of the Madrasah, teachers/students and parents, it is imperative that we all fully support the Madrasah with all its policies and rules.